I sat quietly remembering my youth when I would lose myself in those periods of intense gloom. It was like walking unending alleys of mindless sadness that led nowhere - walking aimlessly without any direction or destination.
People around, parents, family, friends would cease to exist or matter.
Intrusions in those periods by the ones who loved me would cause an eruption of senseless anger. These were periods of acute frustration without cause or reason.
Pulled out of my reverie, as I sat watching my daughter and her friends having their party, there occurred a strange understanding, a gossamer linking of their youth and my memories....
19th Dec '95
Blithe spirits full of vitality , vigour,
And the spontaneity of youth,
Dancing to the music of Whigfield, Rednex and Re-mixes.
Beyond religion, rituals and dogma,
With only their wholeness, complete in themselves;
Confident, vibrant and without any fear in living life.
And yet with their own doubts, questions.
What do I want to be? What should I become?
Their yearnings - deep, poignant penetrating.
An ache rising from within
To pierce the skies.
And longings and desires:
To tear up the green grass in the meadows.
Their dreams and aspirations
Fragile and hazy in the mists of youth;
Alive and very real
In their confidence
That their dreams and aspirations are.
For each one
We have objectives, aims and careers
Well defined
Rich in wealth, power and happiness.
As parents, guardians, elders,
If we can,
Let us share in their aspirations
While we live ours.
To share
And become a part of their environment;
To first be a friend.
For only in understanding
Can we be a teacher and a guide.
Not to impose;
Rather help them find
If they stumble,
Let us keep them from falling;
If they cry in frustration
Let us allow them to;
Yet only as long as their tears are healing.
Let us listen and share in their heartaches,
Their joys.
Let us give to them the only treasure
We have without limitation:
Without impositions, demands,
Freely and with our love.
Let our dreams be:
To cherish them and nurture their aspirations
And in their moments of realization
When their closeness
To omniscience and eternity
Gives them a glimpse of Truth
Without fear or conditions
Set them free.
For though we are the wellspring,
The stream
Has to become a river
And flow into the ocean beyond.
In setting them free
We will not lose them.
In their shared aspirations
And love
We will become a part of them
The most selfish act of our lives
Yet leaving them with the freedom to be
And present to the miracle of being alive.
* * * *
A corollary:
If possible look beyond:
Wives, parents, sisters, friends and relatives;
For each stream
Carrying twinkling moments
Of shared aspirations and love
Which becomes a river
And flows into the ocean beyond
Brings each closer to oneself
And fulfilment.
For the destiny of each one
Is pre-destined:
Only the time taken
And the path