In sharing silences we learn to just be.
And in the process allow the same to others. During such moments what is given away is insubstantial in the material sense. Yet within it lies the warmth and caring of the life-giving seed carried within a cocoon.
It is an invisible air-blanket of love that protects without stifling, encouraging growth, life and the freedom to be.....
In the twilight
I stand on the shore,
Another bulwark of mankind,
With the last departing rays
Of the sun
Giving Benediction,
I reach out to stand where I want to be
And from there
When I look back at now
I say:
In our journey together

Understand and be
What I am.
By your being with me
It bubbled to the fore.
For me
It is a gift of freedom and love
Passed on
By your being what you are.
And now you set me free;
Leaving me
With the thrill of encouragement;
Giving me an unsurpassed confidence
That with our love,
Yours and mine
I could go beyond our togetherness
Without fear
To discover
The limitlessness of my existence.
Because of you
I stand way beyond
What I knew of myself
As myself.
And during our journey together
I discovered
One of the biggest treasures
I had always shied away from:
* * *
The gurgling streams
Cold, clear, drinkable;
The pine forests
Coming alive in the darkness
Which comes to them early;
The green mountains and the snow clad peaks:
All of nature
Clad in a sublime beauty
Has been with me always.
Your being with me
During this journey,
Brought me to a place and time
Where all distinctions, all differences
And for me
Mankind too
Became a part of inspiration
In self-expression and living.
* * *
With it came the intuitive realization
That though
I had heard the music,
It could be harnessed
To the song of the universe
Only when we were all together
As one.