Saturday, 30 August 2014

                              ...... Lives Slipping Away 

As a child I attended a wedding in the village - a three day affair. 

I remember most the sight of the glow worms at night. You could see them flitting around totally without fear. Holding them gently within a closed fist I could see the twinkling lights through the gaps between my fingers whenever their glow came on. 

Even as a child or perhaps as one, it was pure joy to slowly open the fist and see them fly away.

                                                                           I haven't seen glow worms now for a very long time....

                   Of Glow Worms and Fireflies

It came
An unexpected call from the wild
An urge to share
Brimming with a sense of awe and wonder.

Sitting on the verandah
Swathed in the soft drape of half light
He had watched the water droplets twinkling
On the shadowy branches across the road.
-          As if myriads of light-bulbs
-          Were dancing in the air.

The trees and the shrubs
Half seen in the shadowy darkness
Swayed in the gentle wind and the rain
To disappear into a black blanket
Of the jungle beyond.

And then a sparkle
From a bubble in his glass
Floated across the road and flew around
The dancing lights.
Then it become two and then
The rain and the darkness had reached
Into glories past
To birth
A million glow worms…    
He had watched the black mantle 
With its dancing jeweled lights wafted by the wind.

He had clutched at the moment in a vain attempt
To hold it
But it slipped away.

And then
Born of the instinctive desire to keep it alive
He shared it.
And when he did so that one moment became two
And then many... 
Till it became the black mantle
                         With its dancing jeweled lights 
                          Being wafted in the jungle wind. 

for Karan who shared; 
Arun who suggested I get back to what I like doing best; 
and to all those who love the forest and all that it nurtures - in the hope they would be able to keep this heritage alive for the coming generations.