Wednesday, 1 August 2012

The Spark



There has always been an almost sublime fascination with motherhood in life -  
- a strange reverence arising from the question - from where and how does life happen?

What is the source from where it comes - this spark? That changes dormant tissue into a vibrant, howling, kicking bundle of life. 
The methods are replicated but the final answer still remains elusive.

And within the halo of a mother we sense a selflessness and boundless caring that embraces all that is alive......     

             A Birthing  
                         -   in the monsoons

It came
A whisper in the wind
A caress and a gentle kiss
On the cheeks,
Carrying a promise.
Cool, tantalizing,
Generating an eagerness in the thought
That the searing summer
Was coming to a close.

During those months
Nurturing her trees, fruit-bearing;
Letting them ripen
To grow sweet
And come to their full term.

Parched herself,
Yet content.

Opening herself
Under the rain-bearing clouds
To quench herself
Of a thirst
Many months old.

The earthy aroma 
Of a mother's thirst quenched,
Combined with gossamer spray
Wafted by the wind in frolic,
Pleasing, invigorating, rejuvenating;
Beauty and joy, 
A bridge to the beauty and joy
Of another universal birth
Unbounded by barriers and boundaries
If we let it
Be so. 

It was not only a new child
Which birthed;
With each birth
All mothers too are born anew
In all existence, around.

                                              Such moments of creation
                                              Cradled in love,
                                               Lie enshrined in our lives -
                                                                        The core, the essence
                                                                         Of what we are.